Sunday, December 28, 2008


Everything that keeps me together is falling apart,
I've got this thing that I consider my only art of fucking people over.

babypot head is dead. the azn is back.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Another day, another night, another year
Another smile, another lie, another tear
This better not be all I got
I never thought I'd end up here

Friday night I'll raise my glass and say
"Tomorrow things will change! I can't afford to wait."
But by Monday morning my alarm clock knows
How this story goes and the ending's the same as the start

Monday, December 22, 2008


You probably couldn't see for the lights but you were looking straight at me.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


I don't care about blogger.

I have more important things to be doing than writing crap about nothing. Nobody reads it, nobody cares. I don't care about other peoples blogs, why should they care about mine?!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Would you like

some ointment for that moist wildabeast?

Just bought a Cadillac. (Throw some D's on that b!tch)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Go fug yerself

I'm a little disappointed in myself.
I had a huge list of things I wanted to get done after school today. I have yet to start the list, and it is approximately 11:15 PM.
I need to learn how to prioritize. And stop procrastinating.
I want a new camera real bad. Possibly an old school polariod.

Hopefully tomorrow I will be more motivated.

Monday, November 10, 2008

me duele la cabeza

uuppppppdate on my ankle.
Well, I am one tough cookie. My doctor re-ex rayed my ankle (slash) foot because the swelling did not got down. Apparently, it was not a stress fracture it was a real fracture. I decided to google it because I didn't know the difference. A stress fracture is just caused by hard impact and repetitive motions over time. A fracture is more of a clean break from a one time injury. Basically, I was running on a broken ankle for quite some time.

I have to wear this boot for another 5 weeks. After that, I have to go back to the doctors and it should be healed by then.

I went to Wegmans today for the first time. The food court was disgusting, but I bought a pomegranate, so that made me happy.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Love ya.

I hate coming home to find Support Obama things on my door. I saw 2 yesterday, and I found one earlier. It seems like the people who put them there watch me read them and flip out, and then add more just so they can see me freak out again. It's really not funny. It should be like illegal to put things on other peoples doors, and garages. It's like littering on other peoples property.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Chinese food

Wow. there are 7 kids in my first period right now.

coldplay tomorrow.yeahyeah.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Awesome yellow cast is a no. Giant, black, clunky thing is a yes.

I love when people fight over my affection!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


"I fell asleep beneath the flowers
For a couple of hours
On a beautiful day"

I almost cried in world history today. We're watching some movie The Four Feathers, and Heath Ledger is the main character. There's this one part where he was dancing, and it was like focused on him smiling and the music is really quiet. It seemed a little too over dramatic, like when Sirius dies in the HP movies, but it was just so sad to watch knowing he's dead in real life.
Puts a smile on muh faceeeee. Don't ask.

My dad is so great. I was listening to some random Beastie Boys song, and my dad walks in and starts rapping to every word. Apparently he was a fan. Who knew?

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Boys that look like Matthew Thiessen, Zatarains, Commander Photon and the evil Lady Photon. Plotting and scheming to attack Voldemort. Sprained ankles and piggy back rides. Attractive bodies of water, and best of all...God. This weekend was soooo great. It sucks being back in Doylestown. I've been home for like 2 hours and I'm sick of this place already.

I need a pterodactyl to come fly me to the abyss.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I've got nothing

I posted, go party!

P.S. I can't believe somebody is mad at me because I am going to have fun while they sit in a room taking a test. I am not going to sit at home all weekend just because they can't go somewhere.

I also don't appreciate when people pretend they are going to IM me but "accidentally" send it to their crush. Like wow, if you really wanted to talk to a boy you would say something else not "Oh, I meant to text my friend Brittany Schwartz". Wow. We have the same last name...what a creative "mistake".
I bet that doesn't make sense. What else is new?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008



I really want that bunny. I found this picture on the internet so I am left to wonder if it does exist or there is a person who is amazing at photoshop.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


I can go to church. My sister is taking my shift. It's really funny that she came home, and I have yet to see her.

A funny story

This morning I woke up at 4:15 thinking I had a meet in Maryland. I got on the bus, and fell asleep for 3 hours. When I woke up I heard the bus driver asking a man at the school where we were supposed to park. He responded saying that the meet was rescheduled for October. We were all very disappointed knowing we drove there for nothing. We got out and went running in the rain. On or way back home, we decided to stop at a Weis grocery store. After getting back on the bus we began driving again. About an hour passed and we passed the same grocery store we stopped at before. Our bus driver got lost. It took 6 hours for a 2.5 hour trip.
I don't really care that it was a "waste of a day".
Ugh because I have work tomorrow and I can't go to church.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I almost just died in a car accident. (justkidding)
Scene: Abbi is driving. I have shotgun, the annoying exchange student is in the backseat with the fake blonde sophomore. We are all holding over sized cupcakes with yellow icing on them. We approach a very busy intersection where we need to make a left. After waiting, it is now safe for Abigail to turn. As she starts to go, the car behind us speeds up. The bright orange buggy stalls, and we hear the screeching tires of the car behind us. After we start driving again, the car on our left attempts going straight in front of us. Abbi is forced to slam on her brakes. I end up getting icing on the dashboard. The annoying fools in the back seat are covered. It was very fun laughing at them.
That was the most exciting part of my day. Not really, I have to read Pride and Prejudice for BritLit. Shall be interesting.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

"Genovia...what a great country"

Bull dog mascots are weird. Actually, all mascots are weird..and pointless.

I heard that the course I will be running next weekend has very steep downhills. Supposedly there will be mattresses tied to trees so if, and when you fall and hit them you don't get injured too badly. I hope I hit one, and don't have to finish the race.
Today was a good day. Bi-polar weather is annoying though.

Monday, September 15, 2008


HAHAH at being in school..and on blogger
HAHAH because mrs.morbzz is my sub.

astrophotos suck.alot.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Reptillian: Grendel the Great

I will never understand people. Especially bi-polar ones.

I am so excited for tomorrow and Sunday. It's great knowing you can actually attend Church instead of having work, or practice. Ice cream socials are tehh bomb.

School is alright. Cross country is painful. Homework sucks.
My life in a nutshell.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Today in BritLit, I was given an assignment to "boast" about myself. We started reading Beowulf, and we have to follow his example. If you know me, you would know I really don't like myself. I am basically screwed because I don't know what I am going to write about, and it is due tomorrow.
Work wasn't even that bad yesterday. I guess I am growing to like it. I did carts. I went into it with a "positive attitude", and didn't really care that I was doing it. It was great not cursing at customers. Getting paid is my fave part. BAHAH

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Titles are lame

I really enjoy running in the heat.NOT
School isn't even that bad. My world history teacher looks like a teenager that I dislike, but she is pretty cool.
Lunch is annoying. I have to sit near these fools who need to stop being so immature.

This morning around 5 o'clock, I heard the weirdest noise coming from my backyard. It sounded like a cat was being attacked. I went to ask my mom if she heard the cats/ saw a dead cat in the backyard. It is possible I was sleep walking.
I have homework already! But hey, it will keep me occupied while I am home alone.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bunny rabbits, marshmallows, and Christmas lights!

I don't think so.

Bunnies are fluffy. Marshmallows are weird. I want Christmas time, so then I can frolic in the snow.
I think I am in a pretty good mood. I just want some water ice. (Italian ice isn't that great).

Monday, September 1, 2008

hard labor

I thought the purpose of labor day was to "relax", like not do work.
But no, I am forced to run 11 miles around a stupid lake. Then take a 4 minute shower and go to work. While at work, I have to suffer and do carts.
I officially hate fat, lazy people who can't take their own damn carts back to the front of the store. Like this one huge lady, she was probably in her mid thirties, actually the fatness made her look older, I bet. She clearly sees me struggling and decides to ditch her cart in the middle of the walk way right in front of my face. ugh
poop because summer is over, poop because I don't even care.

lolz at ped eggs. dey nasty

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Life is suck-ish.
I hate complaining, but it's all I know how to do.

Work was even worse today. I don't know why I decided to do a sport involving 3.2 miles of sprinting. Why, oh why?
So anyways, I am so sore it is ridiculous and then standing on my feet all day was no help at all.

I love sal-vay-arrrr-may.
Bargains are the greatest part of life. Not really, they just make me happy. I got this "vintage tee" of some baseball team with the name Ramirez on it. I had no idea who that was, so I asked my dad and he went on to explain something about a dread locked fat man falling on top of a baseball. I laughed at that for quite a while.
My dad is so great only cause he doesn't make fun of me for being bad at life. I think I like my dad more than my mom. I AM MEAN.
I have no reason to have a blog, I have no creative edge to write about "funny things" that happen through out my day. im lame, and lame, and lame.
I HATE THE WORD LEGIT. but I like "Natalie Portman's Shaved Head". electro dance music is so great. YAY LIFE.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

numero uno

kay cool.

I'm going to be lame and write about my lame life.
I guess today is day one.

I hate working, it's so obnoxious having to be around people all day. especially because I have no social skilllllz whatsoever. ew im so awk.
I went to olive garden, and ate a million plates of salad which was amazing. my waiter was adorable, and looked like jim sturgess.
thaaaaaaan I went to kerrys house, and went on a scavenger hunt. I played apples to apples at kristas house and lost because I am so stupid.
I should be sleeping.
XC MEET TOMORROW. Please kill me so I don't have to go.