Friday, October 31, 2008

Chinese food

Wow. there are 7 kids in my first period right now.

coldplay tomorrow.yeahyeah.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Awesome yellow cast is a no. Giant, black, clunky thing is a yes.

I love when people fight over my affection!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


"I fell asleep beneath the flowers
For a couple of hours
On a beautiful day"

I almost cried in world history today. We're watching some movie The Four Feathers, and Heath Ledger is the main character. There's this one part where he was dancing, and it was like focused on him smiling and the music is really quiet. It seemed a little too over dramatic, like when Sirius dies in the HP movies, but it was just so sad to watch knowing he's dead in real life.
Puts a smile on muh faceeeee. Don't ask.

My dad is so great. I was listening to some random Beastie Boys song, and my dad walks in and starts rapping to every word. Apparently he was a fan. Who knew?

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Boys that look like Matthew Thiessen, Zatarains, Commander Photon and the evil Lady Photon. Plotting and scheming to attack Voldemort. Sprained ankles and piggy back rides. Attractive bodies of water, and best of all...God. This weekend was soooo great. It sucks being back in Doylestown. I've been home for like 2 hours and I'm sick of this place already.

I need a pterodactyl to come fly me to the abyss.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I've got nothing

I posted, go party!

P.S. I can't believe somebody is mad at me because I am going to have fun while they sit in a room taking a test. I am not going to sit at home all weekend just because they can't go somewhere.

I also don't appreciate when people pretend they are going to IM me but "accidentally" send it to their crush. Like wow, if you really wanted to talk to a boy you would say something else not "Oh, I meant to text my friend Brittany Schwartz". Wow. We have the same last name...what a creative "mistake".
I bet that doesn't make sense. What else is new?