Life is suck-ish.
I hate complaining, but it's all I know how to do.
Work was even worse today. I don't know why I decided to do a sport involving 3.2 miles of sprinting. Why, oh why?
So anyways, I am so sore it is ridiculous and then standing on my feet all day was no help at all.
I love sal-vay-arrrr-may.
Bargains are the greatest part of life. Not really, they just make me happy. I got this "vintage tee" of some baseball team with the name Ramirez on it. I had no idea who that was, so I asked my dad and he went on to explain something about a dread locked fat man falling on top of a baseball. I laughed at that for quite a while.
My dad is so great only cause he doesn't make fun of me for being bad at life. I think I like my dad more than my mom. I AM MEAN.
I have no reason to have a blog, I have no creative edge to write about "funny things" that happen through out my day. im lame, and lame, and lame.
I HATE THE WORD LEGIT. but I like "Natalie Portman's Shaved Head". electro dance music is so great. YAY LIFE.
14 years ago